The parishes of Our Lady of Hope and St Mary’s wish to acknowledge gifts received from Fr Robbie McDougall on behalf of Fr Owen Steeves. In recognition of the very close and special relationship Fr Owen had with our parishes, Fr Robbie was moved to gift a statue and many exquisite, personal vestments from Fr Owen’s personal belongings. These items will become a part of our worship celebrations and a testament to Fr Owen’s many precious gifts to our communities. He who left an indelible mark on our hearts will also leave for our celebrations, visible reminders of his love for our communities. We are honoured to accept with thanks these gifts. See below the pictures of the gifts donated to St. Mary
The Story behind the Statue of Mary, Blessed Mother
The statue is a gift to St. Mary Parish from Reverend Father Owen Steeves and Reverend Father Robert McDougall.
In 1975, Sister Mary Regina, a Benedictine Nun from St. Benedict’s Monastery in Middlechurch, Manitoba contacted Reverend Father Robert McDougall and asked him is he would like a statue of the Blessed Mother. He accepted the offer without knowing what to expect. He went to see the statue and found it broken into many parts.
Sister Mary Regina explained this statue has been thrown into a potato patch and she found it in the ground while gardening.
Reverend Father Robert McDougall gathered the broken parts into his vehicle and while driving back to home from the monastery he prayed “I found you broken, will have you repaired and I promise you shall never return to a potato patch.”
He knew a Sister of the Cross in Winnipeg, Sister Agnes Noelie who was a fine artist and teacher, who repaired statues. She generously agreed to repair the statue and the beautiful work is now displayed in the sanctuary at St. Mary Parish.
Through the years, Reverend Father Robert McDougall stored the statue at the Sisters of the Cross, in their provincial house during his university studies at Laval University, then at the Missionary Oblate Sisters as well as in his office and home.
After Archbishop Antione Hacualt ordained Father Owen to the priesthood and while serving our community in Beausejour, Father Owen asked the Adoramus Ministries if he could put the statue in St. Mary Parish.
It was agreed to share the statue with Father Owen and St. Mary Parish with the request to return the status to the Adoramus Ministry when his mandate in Beausejour was completed. When Father Owen transferred to Blessed Sacrament Parish, he asked if the status to remain with him in his home where she would be well protected. He had a special devotion to Mary. The statue stayed with Father Owen until his passing on December 13, 2020.
The statue was then donated back to St. Mary Parish on behalf and in memory of Father Owen where many will come to pray to her.
Father Robert McDougall prays that through honoring and praying to Mary, she may answer our prayers and pour the blessing of compassion, understanding, inner peace and love upon us now and in the coming years.