Please contact St. Mary Parish office at 204-268-2453 or email [email protected] to make arrangements.
St. Mary Roman Catholic Cemeteries Committee
Under the Finance Committee, the St. Mary Roman Catholic Cemeteries Committee is responsible for the care of the cemeteries of St. Mary (Beausejour), Sts. Peter and Paul (Ladywood) and St. Thomas (Allegra). The Committee members assist the pastor in the appropriate administration and maintenance of the cemeteries.
St. Mary Cemeteries Committee Members (2021)
St. Thomas (Allegra)
Randy & Richard
Sts. Peter & Paul (Ladywood)
Thomas & Catherine
St. Mary (Beausejour)
Fred, Arley, Ron, Elaine, Richard
St. Mary Roman Catholic Cemeteries Policies
Revision effective August 1, 2021
1. All persons, over the age of eighteen, are welcome to be plot owners in the Parish Cemeteries of St. Mary Roman Catholic Church situated in Beausejour, MB; in Ladywood, MB (Sts. Peter & Paul); and in Allegra, MB. (St. Thomas) There is no distinction between a parish member and non-member in the purchase price of a cemetery plot.
2. Cemetery plots will be $600.00 each, plus a mandatory $400.00 Perpetual Care Fee, both payable in full at time of purchase. Total cost of $1000.00. Exceptions will only be considered in special circumstances. Contact the St Mary Parish office to arrange for an appointment to discuss choosing a plot. 3. When payment is received an official receipt will be issued for your records and a copy will be retained at the St Mary Parish office in the cemetery dossier under your name.
4. All current plot owners will be responsible for the $400 Perpetual Care Fee if it has not yet been paid. 5. All plots are Final Sale. We will not refund any plot owner. The responsibility is yours to re-sell your plot but only with the written approval of the St Mary Cemeteries Administration. The new plot owner will be responsible for any unpaid Perpetual Care Fees, payable to St. Mary Cemeteries, at the time of sale or we will not honor the transfer.
6. The use of approved Vaults or stainless-steel Caskets are mandatory in all sections (old* and new) of the cemetery. *If a vault is not possible in Old Section due to location, the family will be responsible for the extra costs involved in the burial.
7. At time of need, the plot shall be marked for burial by an authorized person. No charge involved.
8. One traditional, and two ash interments shall be permitted per plot. Exceptions will be considered in special circumstances. Opening and Closing fees will be applied per burial at the time of need at the rate of current value. A Perpetual Care fee, if not already paid, will be required for each interment.
9. No burial of caskets or cremated remains shall be permitted without express permission of cemetery administration and in accordance with the Laws of the Province of Manitoba.
10. All graves and interments shall be dignified with a suitable memorial plaque and in place within a reasonable length of time (maximum two years).
11. No grave covers are permitted as of November 1, 2000 in Old or New Section. Existing cement covers are allowed but the St Mary Cemeteries Administration, at its discretion, shall remove them upon deterioration. Families are encouraged to assist with the costs of removal with a donation to the St Mary Cemeteries fund.
12. St. Mary Cemeteries Administration shall be responsible for all regular maintenance of cemetery grounds, including innovation, grass cutting, snow removal, concrete runs (new section), and roadways.
13. Adornment of graves are the individual responsibility of family members and plot owners but must not interfere with the maintenance of the cemetery grounds. Flowers, real or silk should be limited to proper memorial vases. GLASS CONTAINERS ARE NOT PERMITTED FOR ANY REASON ON CEMETERY PROPERTY. The Cemetery will not accept responsibility for flower arrangements at any time. Weathered silk arrangements will be discarded immediately, no questions asked. Silk or imitation arrangements are discouraged between April 15 and November 1.
14. Plantings of Shrubs or Plants are not permitted without permission.
15. The placement of buildings, fences, or any kind of structure upon, or alterations to, grave sites shall not be permitted without express permission of St. Mary Cemeteries Administration.
16. All burials, both below and above ground, in St. Mary Cemeteries shall be limited to human beings.
17. Damage due to vandalism should be covered by the plot owner’s personal insurance. The parish will not accept liability for damage to any marker.
18. All questions or concerns may be directed to St. Mary R.C. Parish at 268-2453 or in writing to the Administration of St. Mary R.C. Parish, Box 760, Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 or emailed to [email protected]. A written response will be given to all written queries.
19. Policies may be amended as necessary. Please refer to the latest revision.
The Parish of Saint Mary is entrusted with the Goods of the Church as allotted by the Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface. The above regulations are also applicable to St. Thomas Cemetery in Allegra and Sts. Peter & Paul Cemetery in Ladywood. All questions and concerns must be addressed to the pastor of St. Mary. The administration of St. Mary takes full responsibility. Our committee people are by no means responsible and are there only to assist the pastor in the proper administration of the cemeteries.