A "Household of Faith" is a small group of 6 to 10 people from a variety of backgrounds and life journeys who come together regularly, at least once a month, in-person or online, for 60 to 90 minutes.
The purpose of this time together is to get to know one another and grow in new friendships, while sharing the Holy Scriptures and some reflection using a simple process.
This program is offered in every parish to those seeking to become Catholic and typically runs from the month of September until after Easter each year, though the process can be longer in different parishes. The RCIA is for those who have reached the age of reason (though the program is typically delivered in an adapted format for children) and who have never been baptized Catholic or Christian; have been baptized Catholic or Christian, but have not received any faith formation, and may or may not have received the other sacraments of initiation; or are practicing Christians of other denominations who are seeking to become Catholic.
St. Mary Parish has hosted in the past years a Households of Faith group during Advent and Lent for parishioners wanting to prepare for Christmas and Easter.